Sewasew short number 9107 for payment option

Sewasew  introduced a short number 9107 for customer service

Sewasew News – January 13/2023

Sewasew announced the launching of the option of buying a payment customer service in the short number 9107.  Sewasew unveiled a new option to buy weekly and daily customer service in a synchronized account from mobile air time.

Sewasew, which offered music released through its application with payment and free options was charging subscription payments by enat bank and telebirr to its customers. In addition to its existing services, it has launched a short number 9107 that will help satisfy the customer’s needs. Depending on their service preferences, the new service customers will send the English characters A or B to 9107 and buy a service that allows them to listen to music that is not restricted by weekly or daily advertising.

Sewasew, which More than 100 musicians, songwriters, and composers have signed to work with, recently made a deal with Honorable Dr. Maritu Legesse.

Sewasew 9107

Customers who use sewasew’s services at a charge to make their own playlist and listen to all music without limitation and advertising can listen to downloaded music without internet connections.

Igniting Creativity

In addition to the acoustic, sewasew which is said to be unique in bringing in a new function from which all participants in the artwork will benefit, has also been shown to have plans to market other capital products. In addition to music, the collection includes sound books (book narratives), podcasts, series dramas, and future films. 

In addition to that the owner of sewasew multimedia, 2f Capital indicates that it is completing preparations for Branding and event organizing. Enat Bank has also been known to have donated the bank’s 200,000 birr share of stock as a gift regarding the return of the honorable doctor maritu to the country.

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